Sustainable Stories


UN Goals


Welcome aboard

At Jacobi our aim is to become the most sustainable supplier in the industry. We put our all into our sustainability programmes and do everything we can to have a positive impact on our planet and environment. Our processes are refined so that we make use of any surplus energy, we invest in local communities across the globe, we support our employees in all aspects of their lives, and we make it easy for our customers to recycle their used carbon through us too. You can read more about our various sustainability projects below, perhaps start by watching the below video to find out about how we came to be on this journey.


Our sustainability journey is guided by these 8 KPI’s that run throughout every level of our business, they act as a guidance to help us to become the most sustainable company we can be. No single KPI is more important than another, they are all equal and they all help us to do well, by doing good.

Sustainability Report #2

Sustainability Report #2 – 2022 Report Data & Lowering Our GWP So Far
Read our second sustainability report, covering our safety initiatives, our scope 1 and 2 2022 benchmark data and stories on our CSR projects.

Jacobi's Sustainability Report - In Numbers

Sustainability Report – In Numbers
Read the first sustainability report by Jacobi Group, covering our 8 sustainability KPI’s in numbers.

Jacobi's Sustainability Report - Life Cycle Assessment

Sustainability Report – Life Cycle Assessment
Recently we embarked on a study with the University of Maastricht to analyse our product life cycle.


Without our people there would be no Jacobi Group. Our people are without doubt our most important asset and so we continually invest our time, money and efforts into keeping them safe at work, helping them to progress in both career and home life, and encouraging a healthy work:life balance.


As a large organisation, it’s critical that we think about how our operations could affect our planet. We put in measures to make sure it’s always easy for our employees to make the best choices for the environment and refine our processes to make them as sustainable as we can.


At Jacobi we look at all steps of our production and reactivation processes to ensure they’re as environmentally sensitive as possible. We’re continually researching new renewable materials and developing our processes to make them even more sustainable.


Bridging technologies to form new sustainable solutions for the industry

In an era where sustainability is paramount, Jacobi Group emerges as a leading force, seamlessly integrating technology and environmental responsibility to address industry needs. With a focus on bridging technologies, Jacobi is charting a course towards sustainable solutions that not only meet application requirements but also minimise environmental impact.   Two strong examples for Jacobi’s innovative…

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Introducing CleanTech to our Charcoal Suppliers

INTRODUCING CLEANTECH TO OUR CHARCOAL SUPPLIERS Maintaining a good relationship with our coconut charcoal suppliers is key to our business, whether we’re introducing new technologies or enjoying a charcoal supplier cricket tournament together. During a one-day event, we introduced a new charcoal-burning method and explained our sustainability journey to our larger charcoal producers in Sri…

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CleanTech – A Revolution in Carbonisation

CLEANTECH – A REVOLUTION IN CARBONISATION We are carrying out various projects with a view of revolutionising the carbonisation process technologies that are available. Together with global partners, we are heavily investing in the research and development of two main carbonisation technologies. These technologies are alternatives to today’s typical methods. Jacobi is proud to be…

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The Coconut – A Sustainable Choice for the Future

THE COCONUT – A SUSTAINABLE CHOICE FOR THE FUTURE Jacobi Group uses an estimated 2.8 billion coconuts a year to produce our activated carbon products. We started using coconut shell as a raw material on a large scale around 2005, but it’s not a new idea. In fact, coconut based activated carbon was used in…

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Jacobi Sustainability

Jacobi Groups Sustainability Drive

At Jacobi, we are driven by sustainability. We frequently speak about our long-term aim, which is to become the world’s most sustainable supplier of carbon products, in this article we caught up with our CEO to hear how sustainability has spread throughout the company.

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World Water Day 2021

Since 1993, the 22nd of March has been World Water Day. Water is one of the most precious and important resources on the planet and is vital for life. Our bodies are made mostly of water, without water no plants could live, in fact, every single thing we use requires water in a certain phase…

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International Women's Day

International Women’s Day

PEOPLE MAKE THE DIFFERENCE International Women’s Day Today is International Women’s Day, a day to celebrate women’s achievements, to raise awareness against bias and to take action for equality. In our efforts to become more sustainable, we have separated our goals and actions into three categories: People, Product and Planet As part of our People…

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Handing Out Kit & Awards

Jacobi’s Hockey Donation Initiative

SPORTS FOR EVERYONE Jacobi’s Hockey Donation Initiative As people are such an important part of our global initiatives around sustainability we like to look at where we can help, this project is an example of how we were able to help via the medium of sports. Tirunelveli is a city in India, home to one…

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EcoGreen Furnace

The GreenEco Furnace

As a huge, global organisation, Jacobi must take its effects on the planet very seriously. We have been working on our sustainability goals behind the scenes for some years now. So that we could lessen the effects of our operations on the environment (after all, we only have one planet and one chance at keeping…

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World Water Day - Jacobi Carbons Philippines Inc.

World Water Day

Here at Jacobi we frequently speak about the importance and significance of water. Not only do we need it to cook, to wash and to grow food, we’re made of it too. The human body is estimated to be up to 78% water. Put simply, water is absolutely vital for every single known form of life.

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Brand New Electric Forklift

Switching from Diesel to Electric

Back in 2016 Jacobi Carbons France became the first in the Jacobi Carbons group to remove all diesel forklift trucks, replacing the entire fleet with eight electric ones.

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Biogas – The use of activated carbon in biogas upgrading

Biogas The use of activated carbon in biogas upgrading There is a global consensus that reliance on fossil fuels in energy production is no longer viable, with great interest in renewable sources as the future of energy production. Of such interest is the use of waste materials to generate energy, this simultaneously provides power and…

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Sustainability and CSR

This booklet maps out the various different aspects of how Jacobi operates as a sustainable company. Click below to read stories around how we handle safety in our plants, how we work with our people day to day and some of the work we do in the communities around our facilities. There are also some examples of technical innovations that we have made as a group. Sit back, relax and enjoy our interactive digital brochure.

Jacobi Corporate Sustainability and CSR Compliance

Here at Jacobi we take our corporate social responsibility (CSR) very seriously. This document helps explain some of our policies around these matters and contains details on some of the legistlation and guidance we follow as a company to ensure compliance at the highest level.

Jacobi Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Policy

Whilst it is essential as a company that we ensure the highest compliance we don’t stop there. Our corporate policy is designed to ensure that we go above and beyond in every aspect of our business.This policy seeks to ensure the welfare, safety and well-being of our people, the strict standards and quality of our products and of course that we handle our environmental impact in the best possible way, always.

Jacobi Environmental Policy

As a global company, we do everything we can to mitigate any negative effects that producing our products could have on the earth. In this document we have stated the policy our company is committed to.