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RESINEX – The choice in water treatment processes

11th April 2016 – Paris, France

Jacobi’s Resinex division is please to announce that we have, this week, received approval from the French Ministere des Affaires Sociales et de la Sante (FMASS) for the use of Resinex KW-H in connection with the water for human consumption.

Approval of Resinex KW-H for use in the treatment of drinking water in France

150012_JACOBI-resine(300316)_Page_2Approval of Resinex KW-H for use in the treatment of drinking water in France

This approval marks a milestone in the development of the Resinex product and brand permitting the sale of the product in France for the first time.

Resinex KW-H is a premium grade of weak acid macroporous type ion exchange resin that is used in the removal of temporary hardness and other dealkylisation duties in potable water supplies. In general the use is within either home water filter or small scale treatment units, often as part of a filter exchange system.


This is the first of a range of products currently undergoing approval by the FMASS and will see the rapid development of sales in France to match the continued success of the Resinex brand in drinking water duties across the globe.

For further details on the products and applications served by the Resinex product line, visit the dedicated website at: Jacobi Resinex.

Jacobi Resinex supplies a variety of water and food treatment ion exchange resins. Accepted and used worldwide, the high quality Resinex products are tried and tested with many years of service in potable and industrial water applications. Resinex also incorporates a range of effeicient chelating resins for heavy metal removal service.